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The BEST Tomato Soup

You might think the best way to have juicy, sweet cherry tomatoes fresh from the garden is in a salad, or just as a delicious healthy snack, or even roasted.  But I’m telling you now that making them into this tomato soup is most definitely the best choice you will make.  It is pretty extravangant to soup cherry tomatoes so I can only justify doing it when we have LOADS in the garden.  I never regret it though.  Hope you enjoy it as much as we do 🙂

Ingredients (serves 4)

1kg cherry tomatoes (I know, it is a lot!)

Pinch of chilli flakes

4 cloves of garlic

Olive oil (refill in store)

2 red onions

4 tbsp balsamic vinegar (refill in store)

Fresh basil to serve


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the cherry tomatoes and crushed garlic cloves on a baking tray.  Season with salt and pepper then drizzle over plenty of olive oil. Leave to roast for 15 minutes or until just starting to char.

Slice the red onions and place in a large saucepan with some more oil.  Fry lightly until softened then add the balsamic vinegar and cook until caramelised.

Once the tomatoes are done, remove from the oven and add to the caramelised onions.  Blitz your tomato soup to the consistency you like (I prefer it a bit chunky but Rob likes a silky smooth soup.  Serve with fresh basil and sour dough

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