How it works

Have you tried shopping zero waste yet?  No?  No problem

Shopping at Natural Weigh is a little different to your standard grocery shopping experience but don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of it in no time.  And you might even enjoy it (after all, there are stickers!)

At Natural Weigh, we are all about avoiding single use packaging.  So if you have a container at home you could refill with some tasty zero waste goodies, bring it along.  If you don’t have any reusable containers, never fear, we have free donated jars for you to use in store, or you can buy beautiful glass jars to start creating an Instagram worthy kitchen.

To start your shopping, we recommend you weigh all your empty containers on our scales to get barcodes with their weights.  We can use this barcode to deduct the weight of your container to make sure you only pay for its contents.  Now…you’re ready to begin filling (this is the exciting bit). 

You can buy as much or as little of anything as you like, the price is all calculated by weight.  Check out what we have in store here.

Once your containers are full, head back to the scales and follow the on screen instructions to get your price labels (told you there were stickers).

Still a bit uncertain?  Check out our handy video below but we are always on hand to help you out if you get stuck 😊.  See you soon. 


zero waste shop