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Coconut oil

We are very excited to finally have coconut oil in stock and we are somewhat in love with this product.  Whether you are putting it on your skin, hair, dog or in your body, this product has become incredibly popular in recent years and with good reason.  But, as with any popular product, there is always a risk that popularity comes at a cost to someone or something along the way.  This post gives a bit of information about where our coconut oil comes from and what it can be used for.  Let us know what you think. Continue reading Coconut oil

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Wild garlic pesto

At this time of year you can often see (and smell!) wild garlic carpeting woodlands throughout the country.  This aromatic native herb comes out in abundance in the British spring time and, not surprisingly, it is edible.  It wasn’t until this year that I actually got around to using it and I am so impressed.  Risottos, curries and my personal favourite, pesto!  Wild garlic pesto is a bit of a ‘blow your socks off’ experience but definitely a taste worth sampling.  It will get rid of any wintery cobwebs and leave you invigorated and ready to go.  And it is really quick and easy to make. Continue reading Wild garlic pesto

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Sour dough

Sour dough

Making sour dough is a labour of love.  It may be days between starting and finishing, but it is well worth the wait.  For some people, making sour dough is almost a meditative process.  You need to keep the starter alive between batches, feeding it and checking to see how quickly it is growing, putting it in the fridge, taking it out, and then finally extracting some to make into delicious bread.  So prepare yourself, this recipe does take time but it is tried and tested and the best of the different ones we have tried. This is a modified version of Sarah Owen’s wonderful sourdough recipe.  Continue reading Sour dough

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Pear & chocolate cake

This pear and chocolate cake is just what I have been craving. It doesn’t take long to make and is a lovely dinner party special or just as a random week night treat when you need a pick me up. It is a bit fiddly and creates a whole load of washing up but is sooooooo worth it. Oh and it’s gluten free too. Continue reading Pear & chocolate cake

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Five ways to avoid food waste

How to avoid food waste

It is estimated that UK households generate 7.1 million tonnes of food waste a year. This is worth around £15 billion and I for one can think of better uses for that money! Food waste is a particular bug bear of ours because it is often avoidable and costs us all money. Furthermore, I find myself feeling horrendously guilty when I have to throw away food when I know there are so many people who don’t have enough. So here are some hints and tips on how to avoid food waste (and save money).  Continue reading Five ways to avoid food waste