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Lentil lasagne

lentil lasagne

It is the time of courgettes so, unsurprisingly, they feature in pretty much all our meals at the moment and this lentil lasagne is no exception. To me, lasagne is a good all round favourite. Hearty and filling, the combination of lentils, vegetables and cheese are everything I want in a meal. And it is easily adaptable to the season. In summer, it goes well with salad, and in winter, steamed vegetables.


200g French lentils
1 medium onion
1 garlic clove
1 tin tomatoes (available in store)
1 medium courgette
1 medium carrot
½ tsp vegetable bouillon
Mixed herbs
Lasagne sheets

For the cheese sauce

~3 tbsp rapeseed oil (available for refill in store)
~3 heaped tbsp plain flour
Milk (we use cashew milk)
Large handful cheddar cheese


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Boil the lentils in plenty of water for 15 minutes.

Chop the onion and garlic and fry in some rapeseed oil. Once translucent, add the courgettes and carrot.

Once the lentils are cooked, add to the vegetable mix and stir. Added the tinned tomatoes, bouillon and mixed herbs to taste. Leave to simmer while you make the cheese sauce.

For the cheese sauce, heat the oil in a saucepan over a medium heat. Add the flour and stir until you have a thick, smooth paste. Stir continuously while you add the milk. Keep over a medium heat and continue to stir until you have a smooth, thick sauce. Add the cheese and keep stirring. You may need to add more milk to achieve the consistency you want.

In a casserole dish spoon in a layer of the vegetable mix. Cover with sheets of lasagne then a layer of cheese sauce. Repeat until you have used up all the mixture. Top with a sprinkle of cheese and some chopped tomatoes. Bake in the preheated over for 20 minutes or until the top is starting to brown.

Enjoy with a fresh summer salad and some crispy chips.

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