I always think it’s the simplest recipes which benefit most from really good quality ingredients to become something truly special. We picked up some of our new stoneground plain flour and, to put it to the test, I made this Victoria sponge. The unbleached flour gives the sponge a delicious golden hue. It rose beautifully and has a gorgeous flavour. Simple, but also infinitely special.
I rarely make Victoria sponge. I tend to associate it with being a bit boring but I am well and truly converted. A good, homemade sponge is definitely back on my list of regular bakes :).
200g golden caster sugar
180g sunflower oil (available to refill instore)
4 eggs
200g stoneground plain flour (available instore)
3tsp baking powder
Strawberry jam to sandwich the cakes together
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
Mix all the ingredients together thoroughly so there are no lumps.
Divide the mixture between two cake tins
Bake in the middle of the oven for 20 minutes or until they are cooked through
Leave the sponge to cool then spread with the jam and sandwich together.
If you try this recipe, I would love to hear how you get on 🙂